PAD is super excited to announce our partnership with ADX and share what ADX can offer the tiny house community. ADX is a 12,000 square foot space in Portland, Oregon packed with shop facilities, tools, and work and event spaces. Access to the facilities is based on individual memberships or attendance at one-time events hosted by companies like PAD – including our upcoming Tiny House Basics Workshop and Tiny Chair Workshops. ADX is now our go-to space for workshops and our free Tiny House Mixers, because we want to introduce the tiny house community to what ADX can offer them.
What ADX Can Do For You
We often speak with people who are interested in building all or part of their tiny house, but who want more experience with tools and construction. Lots of folks wisely want to be confident in their construction chops before they start building the house they plan on living in, getting rained on, and sometimes driving down the highway. ADX offers a full woodshop and educational classes on how to use all their tools, as well as an environment of people with a variety of experience levels you can learn from as you go. They’re like the handy friend you wish you could invite over when you’re scratching your head about what just went wrong on your construction project.
Another reason tiny house enthusiasts should get acquainted with ADX is that they have space for people to build their tiny houses on-site, out of the elements, and under supervision. We’ve heard from a lot of people who’ve had trouble finding a place to safely build their house, so this is a great resource to keep in mind. Ben Campbell, who attended our Tiny House Basics Workshop this summer, has been cranking away at his tiny house at ADX for the last few months.
Here’s what our new pals at ADX have to say:
“Come build at ADX! ADX operates under the principle that by sharing tools, knowledge, and experiences, we do it better working together. We are so excited about the tiny house movement and our new partnership with PAD! We love seeing people use their hands to build their dream. It’s been amazing watching Ben’s idea transform into a tiny house over the past few months. We’ve helped Ben promote his tiny house workshops and work through the challenges of the build process. Ben has been a great addition to our community and we’d love to see more tiny house builders in the shop!”
If you’re in Portland and want to explore the space first hand with a friendly crew, come to our next monthly Tiny House Mixer on January 30th from 5:30-7:30pm. As always, we’ll have a couple of featured speakers kick things off, and then plenty of time to meet tiny house experts, other enthusiasts like yourself, and see if ADX might be just what you need to move your tiny house dreams forward.