Anyone who has shopped for tiny house plans and designs knows that the shopping process is, well…pretty annoying. Tiny house plan shoppers need to visit sites scattered all over the internet and compare designs with totally different features and prices. That’s why I’m excited to announce the launch of, a new one-stop shop to…Read more

By Billy Ulmer What if tiny houses – and all small housing – were the norm? What if we stopped pretending that anybody is any happier in a big, fancy house than they are in a simple one? What if we admitted that the most important things in life are our relationships and our feelings, and…Read more

By Dee Williams On January 1st this year, I decided to embark on a year of gratitude. I want to spend more time honoring my relationships and expressing my thanks. I also want to put in the effort to find moments of gratitude in unexpected places. It’s easy to feel grateful for kindness, or sunny…Read more

By Billy Ulmer, author of the Life in a Tiny House ebook. A lot of people ask me what a tiny house is, but I think these questions are just as interesting: “What’s a ‘normal house?’ Where is it normal? And for how long has it been normal?” The main thing that makes a tiny house…Read more

The tiny house movement has an impressive online presence, and some great websites for people to see houses, share ideas, and connect to others in different states. But the benefits of online communities are also its challenges – they’re diffused across huge distances and loaded with information that may or may not be relevant to…Read more