While Dee Williams is downsizing from tiny to tinier, the new owner of her “Kozy Kabin” house is actually upsizing into 84 square feet.  Dee’s nephew Jonathan is a recent college graduate and whitewater rafting guide who’s been comfortable living in a tent for months at a time during summer rafting expeditions and on a…Read more

By Dee Williams In February I asked myself the question, “Will I always live in my tiny house?” And the answer was a classic Dee Williams hedge:  maybe.  I went on to write about why I still love my house — the skylight windows that pull the moon in at night, the cedar planking that…Read more

People often say they’d like to “start a tiny house community,” but what would that look like? What kind of “home” could balance your needs for independence and interaction with others? Lina Menard found her answers to those questions in the Simply Home Community. Lina’s passion for housing and community building started young. She was…Read more

What is a “perfect day” for someone who lives in a tiny house? I wanted to understand how tiny homes influence people’s lives in and out of the house – you know, where most of life happens – so asked everyone I interviewed what a perfect day might look like for them. While their answers…Read more

How do people who live in tiny homes handle parking and legality? To me, this was one of the most interesting things to discuss with the people I interviewed for my ebook, Life in a Tiny House. People who are interested in tiny homes often cite the parking and legality issue as their greatest barrier….Read more

Have you ever had an idea so exciting that you wanted to drop everything to work on it, but you wondered if it would be worth it in the end? Macy Miller is a young architectural designer who found an opportunity to make her professional and personal passions overlap. She literally dreamed up a very…Read more

By Billy Ulmer, author of the Life in a Tiny House ebook. A lot of people ask me what a tiny house is, but I think these questions are just as interesting: “What’s a ‘normal house?’ Where is it normal? And for how long has it been normal?” The main thing that makes a tiny house…Read more

By Billy Ulmer, author of the Life in a Tiny House ebook. Do you wonder if you should move into a tiny home? Choosing where to live is a big deal, and feels like an even bigger one when what you want to do isn’t a common or popular choice. But while it’s hard to…Read more

This is a guest post from Billy Ulmer, author of the Life in a Tiny House ebook. What can a tiny house enthusiast learn from a book written for a business audience? If you ask me: plenty. Before I started interviewing tiny house owners, I was reading books on anthropology, business, philosophy, urban planning, career…Read more

Many tiny house enthusiasts want to get off the grid, and design their homes to run on solar power and catch rainwater. Living off the grid in a rural area has a special romance to it – be independent, financially free, and escape the rat race! It’s natural to romanticize the idea of getting away…Read more

Is it the size of your house that matters, or the community it makes you a part of? Communities give us places to work and play, they are the friends and family who give us purpose and support. We might think of home as what’s contained within our walls, but what’s outside of them can…Read more

Will a tiny house make you happy? Not that life in a tiny house would fix every little problem, but surely with more money in your pocket or more time on your hands, life would feel a little easier…wouldn’t it? Many people feel a tiny home would help them live a simpler life, one where…Read more